Kamis, 29 April 2010


Actually this story so popular and having a philosophy. The benefit it's not just for Social Foundation Management but for them who give some money to poor peoples on the street.

There was a complaint poor man, He said to Muhammad Prophet, I've lack for daily consumptions and he has nothing. And Muhammad Prophet asked to him,”What do you have my friend now? He said,“Only this mug”. Then Muhammad Prophet take an auction with this mug immediately. “All of my best friends, there is anyone of you want to buy this mug,” said Muhammad Prophet. And that mug was sold out and auction was completely finish.

And Muhammad Prophet did'nt give his money, Muhammad prophet ask for his money to buy an axe exactly. At that time an axe was very useful work equipment to looking for timbers. It was for cook and household appliances.

In this case, Muhammad Prophet asked for His Friends to hard-work until get a better life with make a job not begged only. A poor man obedient what Prophet order to.

The Loyal Munashoroh Friends, maybe everybody have a different opinion about the poor cases. Sometimes someone doesn't believe with The Tithe Institutions or Social foundations and they think is better give of alms direct to beggars on the street, or singing beggars. However do we realize? When we give of alms and tithe with like that way, it means we have already teach them”Begged Methods”, This means we have make “poor cultivation” which is make them still poor even until their kids and next generation either. Allah The Great Knower.

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